Learn about the NGO Action Volunteers Africa
Since our work involves connecting people to jobs in the development sector, the escalating problem of youth unemployment in our country and the lack of opportunities that exist for most young people who finish school is of great concern to us at Action Appointments.
In 2012 we decided to invest some resources and expertise in setting up an initiative to enable unemployed youth to gain valuable skills and working experience through volunteering for a year in an NGO. In 2013 Action Volunteers Africa commenced as a pilot programme placing 30 youth into a variety of NGOs as volunteers. Initially funded solely by Action Appointments, our Director, Lisa Garson, was involved in leading and growing the NGO for 6 years after its inception. AVA is now an independent registered NPO and almost 1000 youth have been through its programmes.

The AVA experience equips volunteers with the confidence, skills, experience and networks they need to actively engage in building a better South Africa.